< North Cyprus


Although you may occasionally encounter a herd of sheep crossing, you will be impressed with the quality of the roads and highways in North Cyprus. Yes you may experience rain washed holes here and there, however generally the quality of the roads is surprisingly good.

Water is now in no shortage due to the amazing TRNC Water Supply Project (known as the project of the century). This is a completed (2014) project of water diversion supplying drinking and irrigation water from southern Turkey to North Cyprus via a pipeline under the sea. The water arrives to the North West coast and is pumped up to a brand new dam that filters into a beautiful 15km reservoir that has become a stunning and peaceful nature reserve.

New build and improvements are underway for the airport, ports and telecommunications. In general North Cyprus is gradually coming into the modern world and has achieved a great deal in the last two decades to keep up with the demands from incoming residents and tourists.